a leader of his church in Cuenca, Boris was already involved in a
number of ministries in addition to being the successful owner of four
businesses. Over the years, Verbo Church of Cuenca had established
orphanages, a hospital, a radio station, a school, a language institute
and many other ministries. However, a ministry that could connect
Christian business leaders and empower them to have an impact in their
community for Christ was missing. Boris saw the potential to develop a
ministry for businesspeople and began conversing about the possibility
with Partners Worldwide.
Through subsequent visits and conversations, the Verbo Church led a business training course for 40 people, developed a group of businesspeople in the church willing to serve as consultants, and formed a team dedicated to launching the ministry. At the beginning of April, I met with the Verbo leadership team to formalize plans for a partnership in the city of Cuenca. By formalizing this partnership, the group in Cuenca plans to offer more frequent business training, establish a mentoring program, and eventually provide access to small loans through an independent lender. While there is still much work to do, this is a concrete step toward providing Christian business development support for businesses in Cuenca, Ecuador.