Two years ago during the visit of the Global Business Affiliate to
Ecuador, a team member from New Jersey took the opportunity to connect
with his wife’s cousin, Boris OrdoƱez. Through the experience, Boris
accompanied the local Quito leaders and the North American team members
to visit a bakery owner and strawberry growers, all the while learning
more about Partners Worldwide’s vision of working through business as
ministry to alleviate poverty in communities.

a leader of his church in Cuenca, Boris was already involved in a
number of ministries in addition to being the successful owner of four
businesses. Over the years, Verbo Church of Cuenca had established
orphanages, a hospital, a radio station, a school, a language institute
and many other ministries. However, a ministry that could connect
Christian business leaders and empower them to have an impact in their
community for Christ was missing. Boris saw the potential to develop a
ministry for businesspeople and began conversing about the possibility
with Partners Worldwide.
Through subsequent visits and conversations, the Verbo Church led a
business training course for 40 people, developed a group of
businesspeople in the church willing to serve as consultants, and formed
a team dedicated to launching the ministry. At the beginning of April, I met with the Verbo
leadership team to formalize plans for a partnership in the city of
Cuenca. By formalizing this partnership, the group in Cuenca plans to offer more
frequent business training, establish a mentoring program, and
eventually provide access to small loans through an independent lender.
While there is still much work to do, this is a concrete step toward
providing Christian business development support for businesses in
Cuenca, Ecuador.